Monday, October 18, 2010

Ciao - June 2, 1974 N. 22 Anno VI

Listen, Professor... No really. Listen to this radio show 'da Hui found (stole, made up, who cares?). Yeah sure, the magazines cool and all but while you're lookin' at it pretending to understand Italiano, play this faux radio show like you were buzzin' the piazza in your modified Vespa. Buonanotte!

"Una Storia Antica Dell'altro Ieri" Roughly translated, it means "An Ancient History Before Yesterday". We asked our buddy Guido over at the horse farm, what this magazine was saying. He said that the author claimed the Coupe was Italian because of the Dago front axle and the noise coming out of the exhaust. We think Guido's been in the molasses again.

'da Hui no ka oi