He began acquiring parts. A lot of parts. He researched and obtained every article written about Harold Graves or his product. He bought more parts. And now... he's writing a book. The story of Graves, the company and it's famous intake system. Besides being commercially viable, we think the book is greatly needed just to fill a huge hole in the early performance parts historical lineage. Boy, I know we would have appreciated one while we were putting our 4x2 together. Did I mention he was buying parts?

We asked Jack for a picture of his car, no matter what stage it's in. Here's what he sent. Very funny. What a chop! Ha-ha! Quit laughing!

Mr. Bell was kind enough to send us a bound collection of Man-A-Fre pictures and articles. If his finished book is half as informative as what he to sent us, it's sure to be a big success. Congratulations on your book and your new marriage Jack. May they both last as long as the manifolds you're saving. Aloha