Saturday, February 10, 2007

Picture Day

We're just about finished with the frame. A couple of holes to drill here and there. But right now it is a pretty good representation of the Milner Coupe chassis. We made a few modifications with respect to safety and workmanship. The K-member on the Coupe is cut to allow the transmission to slip in from the top. We opted to not do that. The frame bob in the rear of the Coupe is rough to say the least. We did not use any angle iron, proud to say. Our rear nerf bar will mount to our frame neat and even. Other than that, the two chassis' are very similar.

Photographer Dale Moreau came to A&M's shop on the 2nd. The guy loves cars and it shows. He'll follow the build as we go and also take the final shot when we're finished. He knows hot rods and has a love for traditionalism. And he can sure take a picture.

Mark & Aaron were super accomodating and help to create a great atmosphere to photograph our ride. They always go the extra mile.

Wonderful Day - O.A.R.